Gus the grateful groundhog

sponsorSHIP LEVELs

Gratitude Supporter $250

At the Gratitude Supporter level, your donation supports youth in foster care and group homes to learn about gratitude while preparing for their dreams of their future.


  • Your name or logo is featured on the Fostering Minds website.

  • A signed print Copy: “Gus The Grateful Groundhog” for your enjoyment.

Hope Advocate $500

At the Hope Advocate level, your donation supports youth in foster care and group homes to learn about gratitude while preparing for their dreams of their future. It will also provide 25 books to elementary-age youth to spread the word on gratitude.


  • Your name or logo is featured on the Fostering Minds website.

  • Signed Copies: Two signed copies of “Gus The Grateful Groundhog” – one for you and one to gift to a friend or colleague.

Resilience Ambassador $750

As a Resilience Ambassador, your donation supports youth in foster care and group homes in learning about gratitude while preparing for their dreams of the future. It will also provide 25 books to elementary-age youth to spread the word on gratitude and an in-person Reading: A special reading event for foster youth conducted by the author.


  • Your name or logo is featured on the Fostering Minds website.

  • Signed Copies: Three signed copies of “Gus The Grateful Groundhog” – one for you and one to gift to a friend or colleague.

Inspiration Leader $1,000

As an Inspiration Leader, your donation supports youth in foster care and group homes in learning about gratitude while preparing for their dreams of the future. It will also provide 50 books to elementary-age youth to spread the word on gratitude and an in-person Reading: A special reading event for foster youth conducted by the author.

This level will also provide current and transitioning foster care youth with opportunities to participate in Fostering Minds. By integrating the Fostering Minds frameworks, our youth can cultivate a growth-oriented mindset, develop a clear plan, and embark on a journey to achieve their authentic, steadfast success.


  • Your name or logo is featured on the Fostering Minds website.

  • Signed Copies: Four signed copies of “Gus The Grateful Groundhog” – one for you and one to gift to a friend or colleague.

Dedicated Sponsorship Recognition: Your organization is prominently acknowledged as a sponsor on promotional materials related to “Gus The Grateful Groundhog.”