Our Team

liz novine

Liz retired after 20 years as a school counselor within the Hudson, NY, school district, a Title 9 school with 100% of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch.  She has extensive experience across all grade levels, working for eight years in 2- 8 grades, eight years at the high school, and three years in middle school.  

She excelled working with high school students, particularly in career counseling, and specialized in finding financial avenues for first-generation college students to access resources for higher education.   She values creating relationships with children of all ages, especially those from families with little experience in higher education pursuits.   

Liz excelled in network building with all the stakeholders needed to support each student’s post-graduation plan. She takes every child's case individually, creating relationships with the child and with school and career opportunities.   Many of her greatest successes were with those students in temporary or unstable housing.  

Liz holds a master’s degree in education with a concentration in school counseling from the College of St Rose in Albany, NY.   

Tony rivera

Tony Rivera is a Foster Youth Alumnus, children’s book Author, Motivational Speaker, and Founder of Fostering Minds. In the Secondary and Post-secondary education arenas, he is recognized as a humble and passionate professional who is committed to helping people. Tony's enthusiasm and exceptional interpersonal skills enable him to connect with individuals and build trust quickly.

Tony's unique upbringing instilled in him the awareness, at a young age, that his future success would be determined by his ability to navigate two complex systems: foster care and the educational system. His journey has been inspired by many quotes, but one that has always resonated with him was expressed by the late Dr. Maya Angelou: "There is no greater agony than bearing the untold story inside you." Over the years, Tony has mustered the courage to accept his past, embrace his stories, and relinquish the shame that once haunted him in his youth.

Despite the adverse outcomes that plague many foster youth, Tony has triumphed over the statistics. He holds a Bachelor's degree and two Master's degrees and is currently pursuing a doctorate. Tony's values and lived experiences have motivated him to support and advocate for struggling youth through his organization, Fostering Minds.

Through his personal and professional experiences, Tony has developed resilience, engagement, commitment, and a systemic approach to leadership with a servant-leadership approach. With over 15 years of experience working with youth at various levels, he seeks to continue walking alongside them on their journey, helping them find their authentic success.